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Korean Language Socialization held by BKUI UMS, PABELAN – A total of 134 students from various study programs at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) participated in a Korean language learning orientation. The event was organized by the Office of Cooperation and International Affairs (BKUI) at UMS on Tuesday, October 10, in the evening at the 7th-floor room of the Siti Walidah Building in Pabelan, Kartasura.

Prof. Dr. Dae Sik, the representative from Tongmyong University in Korea, enthusiastically explained the program to students from UMS’s Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Informatics (FKI).

“The number of students participating in the program is quite substantial. They will study in Korea for 2 years,” Prof. Jae explained.

Not all study programs at UMS send representatives to learn the Korean language; it is tailored to their specific needs.

“The students’ interest in becoming participants is adjusted to the study program that is being collaborated,” said Alex, a staff member at BKUI UMS.

Wijianto, S.T., M.Eng., Sc., Head of Class Development at BKUI, explained that through the Korean language learning program, students participating in the program will be directed to pursue a Double Degree Program in Korea with a 2+2 scheme. This means they will study at UMS for 2 years, and the same duration will apply in Korea.

“In the fifth semester, students will go to Korea. If the students are proficient in the Korean language, they are entitled to a discount on tuition fees while pursuing the Double Degree Program,” Wijianto explained.

Each intake has a quota of 30 students. Therefore, there will be a rigorous selection process to ensure that the agreed-upon requirements are met.

“We hope that the quality of the students is maintained. UMS is making a great effort to ensure that students consistently achieve the targeted knowledge.”

