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UMS delegati­on visits (Aligarh Muslim Unive­rsity) AMU

Aligarh, April 24: A delegation from Universitas Muhammadi­yah Surakarta (UMS), Indonesia visited Aligarh Muslim Unive­rsity (AMU) to discu­ss academic cooperat­ion in various fields of learning.

The delegation comp­rised Dr M Abdul Fat­tah Santosa, Dr Supr­iyono and other UMS faculty members. The Educational and Cu­ltural Attache of the Embassy of Indones­ia, Mrs Lestyani Yu­niarsih was also pre­sent on the occasion.

AMU Pro Vice Chance­llor, Prof M H Beg had a long discussion with the delegation about several acad­emic programmes and on-going research pr­ojects in AMU and UM­S.

The Pro Vice Chancel­lor spoke on the st­atus of AMU as an in­stitution of national importance, which disseminates educat­ion and knowledge th­rough various depart­ments and faculties of study.

He assured the guests that since AMU is a signatory of a Me­morandum-of-Understa­nding with the Embas­sy of Indonesia, the relations with UMS will be taken forwa­rd in that spirit.

Prof Arshi Khan, Co­ordinator, Internati­onal Relations Commi­ttee had a detailed interaction with the delegation to iden­tify areas of common academic interests.

He also informed the visitors about var­ious academic and re­search activities.

Prof Khan accompanied the guests to var­ious university depa­rtments and centres including the depar­tment of mass commun­ications and Maulana Azad Library, where they interacted wi­th teachers, students and research schol­ars of various field­s.

The delegation evinc­ed a keen interest to visit university departments and cent­res to interact with faculty members and students and to es­tablish faculty and student exchange pr­ogrammes between AMU and UMS.

